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Social Security Changes Affect Millions


November 18.  Welcome, to this week's issue. Should  you ever want to unsubscribe to this newsletter you can use this link to manage your subscription(s) . 

The nearby Sierra Nevada Mountains and deserts make this a great area for people who like the outdoors. There is also the excitement of the gambling scene, and plenty of active communities to live in.
The dust is settling on some big changes to Social Security.  File and Suspend is alive - for some people. Anyone can still make a "Restricted" claim. Read on to find out if and how you are affected.

Maryland near the Chesapeake and the Potomac, and away from Baltimore and Washington, is a very different, quieter place. This old farming area is now flourishing thanks to the Patuxent Naval Base. Check it out along with Chestertown, Centreville, and Solomons Island.

A lot of shifting had to go on this year in the Medicare world, thanks to an "Un-COLA" year.  Most Medicare beneficiaries are "held harmless" in the event, like 2016, when there will be no Social Security COLA. Premiums will go up, however, for a small segment of higher income folks. Here are the latest figures.

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